Unsere Kunden revolutionieren ihre Märkte mit innovativen Produkten und Services.
Wir unterstützen ihr Wachstum entlang des gesamten Customer Experience Lifecycles durch nahtlose Kombination von Brand-, UX- und Marketing-Expertise mit hoher technischer Kompetenz bei der Entwicklung von Websites, Business-Portalen, Web-Appliaktionen und Produkt UIs.
State-of-the-art Tech Stack
TYPO3 and Drupal. The most relevant open source CMS content management solutions for complex scalable websites - headless or traditional.
Cutting-edge headless content management with Storyblok and Contentful for seamless integration and scalability.
Enriched data management and customer experience to empower digital B2B sales strategies with DCX Platforms Ibexa and Pimcore.
Mastering all digital commerce scenarios with the state-of-the-art management solutions Magento and shopware.
Leading edge technologies React and Vue for fullstack front-end development to deliver seamless and engaging user experiences.
Creating outside of the box web-applications with Tenum.ai and Strapi. Arbitrary complex and AI fueled.
High-performance apps and cost-effective business solutions with Ionic and React Native mobile application frameworks.
Unmatched intuitive content management systems for effortless website creation.