Eisele Vorschau Konfigurator in Laptop Mockup


The product configurator as digital consultant. Smart e-commerce solution for sales and service.

The task

An intuitive product configurator for multiple couplings

Eisele Pneumatics is a leading supplier of innovative connection solutions. We developed a product configurator for the enormously varied "Multiline" product line that clearly displays the product's many possible combinations and actively supports users during the configuration process. This additional interaction option ensures strong customer loyalty and a sustainably positive user experience - and also relieves Eisele's service department.

The approach

On the basis of Magento 2, we implemented the product configurator, an intelligent consulting tool based on the modular system. With this, components such as electronics and electrics, compressed air, vacuum, gases, cooling water and fluids can be combined in a coupling body. A sophisticated product logic with integrated compatibility check of the individual parts helps customers to make the right choice. A product filter lists attributes and additional information to assist users in making and verifying the right selection.

The solution

With the smart e-commerce solution, we developed a powerful tool for sales, marketing and service for Eisele. The planning tool guides users intuitively and self-explanatorily in five steps to their individually configured product - from the selection of size and shape, to the definition of the area of application of the suitable basic body, to the offer of supplementary products (up-selling). The multiline product configurator takes on the function of a "digital advisor", guiding users through the product range and offering important additional information.

Screenshot: Eisele product configuration process visualized

Product configurators: enormous potential for B2B e-commerce

The B2B sector is often characterized by complex products that require explanation. For companies that sell customizable and variant-rich products, a product configurator offers numerous advantages for sales, marketing and service. In addition to the optimization of business processes, a positive customer experience is created - through interaction and individualization.

During the configuration process, the customer is already intensively engaged with the company's offering. The result of the selection process is an individually designed product that meets the wishes and requirements (almost) 100%. This leads to a significant increase in customer satisfaction and a lower complaint rate.

The advantages of product configurators in a nutshell

  1. Higher customer satisfaction
  2. Lower complaint rate
  3. Stronger customer loyalty through identification with products and company
  4. Relief of sales & service
  5. Short reaction times of the service department
  6. Error-free preparation of offers through selection by customers
Screen Konfigurationszusammenfassung