Software User Interface Design for SAP Hybris
UX, visual design and front-end development for software interfaces, showcases and co.: The results of more than 20 years of collaboration.

SNK and SAP Hybris - a long relationship!
Since 1998, SNK has shaped the design and software user experience in the SAP Hybris cosmos. The expertise of our UX/UI design teams and front-end developers can be found in almost every Hybris application.
2020 to date: Customer data platform
The SAP Customer Data Platform provides your users with data-driven insights into the behavior of their customers. A powerful SaaS tool for sales and marketing.
Our contribution: UX conception as well as first UX/UI designs of the application.

2020: Digital event concept for TechEd 2020
TechEd is one of the most important digital events in the SAP cosmos. With over 100 presentations and keynotes in two days, TechEd reaches developers and IT experts all over the world every year.
Our contribution: A holistic digital event concept including UX/UI conception and design of the event platform.

2019: Showcase customer data platform for CX Live.
The CX Live is one of the largest international events around the topic of customer experience. For the keynote of SAP-Hybris CTO Moritz Zimmermann we designed a showcase of the new customer data platform, which was still under development at that time.
2019: SAP Context-Driven Services
Context-Driven Services is a tool for personalizing the digital customer journey. In interaction with other SAP services, it enables, for example, the playout of personalized content in the e-commerce context.
Our contribution: UX and UI conception, as well as visual design and development of the software interface.

2018 until today: Luigi
Luigi is a micro frontend framework developed by SAP Hybris as an open source product. In simple terms, Luigi is a kind of construction kit for user interfaces and web apps that is freely available to all developers.
Our contribution: UX conception, visual design and frontend development of the Luigi landing page.

2017 until today: Kyma
Just like Luigi, Kyma is also an open source product from SAP Hybris. It is a developer tool that supports the programming and operation of cloud-native applications.
Our contribution: Branding, UX conception, visual design and frontend development of the Kyma landing page and Kyma user interface.

2017 to date: Commerce Cloud
Data-driven, agile, scalable: The third generation of the Hybris e-commerce platform opens up new possibilities in e-commerce for its users.
Our contribution: UX and UI conception, as well as visual design and development of the software interface.

2017: Hybris Wiki
The Hybris Wiki is the electronic user manual for all Hybris applications. Here, users can find answers to all questions regarding the installation, operation and further development of their application.
Our contribution: Brand integration and development of a new information architecture.

2017: Responsive Accelerator
The "Accelerators" are a component of the SAP Commerce Cloud. In short, they are templates that online merchants can use to configure their stores and go live in a very short time.
Our contribution: UX and UI conception, as well as visual design and development of the software interface.

2016-2020: PCH Hybris Product Cockpit
The Product Cockpit is the PIM (Product Information Management) of SAP Hybris - the backbone of any e-commerce software.
Our contribution: UX and UI conception, as well as visual design and front-end development of the software interface.

2015-2019: IAA Automotive Showcases
E-commerce meets automotive: SAP is one of the regular guests at the IAA. We put the latest innovations of the software giant in the limelight: with interactive live showcases directly at the trade fair stand.
Our contribution: UX conception, visual design and front-end development of the various showcases.
2015: JAM Page on Customer Engagement and Commerce
The generic term "Customer Engagement and Commerce" (CEC) covers all software solutions from SAP-Hybris. To create the necessary awareness within SAP, we designed a corresponding landing page in SAP's internal network SAP JAM.
Our contribution: UX design and visual design of the JAM landing page.

2013: Hybris as a Service (YaaS)
YaaS was the first SAP Hybris e-commerce platform to allow the integration of additional microservices. This way, users get the possibility to equip YaaS with additional features and functions according to their individual needs.
Our contribution: development of the customer journey, UX and UI conception, interface design and front-end development as well as development of the product storytelling.

2013: Hybris Backoffice
The next generation of the admin backend: modularly designed for maximum flexibility.
Our contribution: UX and UI conception, as well as visual design and front-end development of the software interface.

2013: YaaS Marketplace
The Marketplace is the AppStore for YaaS users. Here users can find different microservices for integration into their YaaS version.
Our contribution: UX and UI conception, as well as visual design and frontend development of the software interface.

2013: YaaS Builder
The Builder is the admin backend of YaaS. Here users can manage the microservices selected in the Marketplace.
Our contribution: UX and UI conception, as well as visual design and frontend development of the software interface.

2013: Hybris Mobile Accelerator
In the early 2010s, mobile commerce is becoming increasingly important. SAP-Hybris supports this trend: with the first e-commerce template designed and set up according to the mobile-first principle.
Our contribution: Technical conception, UX-/UI-Design and frontend development.

2012: Chinese Hybris Accelerator
The website template is intended to facilitate Hybris customers' access to the Chinese market.
Our contribution: UX and UI conception, as well as visual design and front-end development of the software interface.

2011: Hybris Order Management System (OMS)
Manage customer orders, process shipping information, check inventory - the Hybris OMS is the organizational backbone of the Hybris Commerce platform.
Our contribution: UI conception and design, front-end development of the software interface.

2011: Cockpit NG Framework
The Cockpit NG framework serves Hybris as a basis for the development of future user cockpits. It thus forms the cornerstone for the second generation of Hybris applications.
Our contribution: UX and UI conception, as well as visual design and front-end development of the software interface.
2008: Hybris Product Content Management (PCM)
The first generation of Hybris e-commerce applications.
Our contribution: UX and UI conception, as well as visual design and front-end development of the software interface.

2003: hybris Jakarta webMC
One of the first versions of the Hybris e-commerce platform.
Our contribution: UI conception and design as well as development of the information architecture.